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Grid magnets MR-K

Grid magnets MR-K

Magnetic separator MR-K is a simple separator serving to catching ferromagnetic particles both from loose compounds and from liquids. Stainless grate, in which there are stainless cores closed hermetically, is polished and disposes of a system of cleaning via wiping segments.

This version of magnetic grate is equipped with neodymium magnets of the biggest power generating an extremely high magnetic induction (approximately 12000 G) thanks to which it is able to catch even the partially magnetic metal particles (e. g. weakly magnetic stainless steel).





MR-K magnetic separator is a simple separator serving to catching ferromagnetic particles coming from liquids.

ProductDimension (mm)Datasheet (CZ)
MR-K 176x250 N 176 x 250 display PDF

MR-K 236x250 N 236 x 250 display PDF

MR-K 296x300 N 296 x 300 display PDF

MR-K 356x300 N 356 x 300 display PDF

MR-K 416x400 N 416 x 400 display PDF
