19. 1. 2023
Plate magnet MS-MC-B

These plate magnets are fitted with ferrite magnets (sometimes also called ceramic magnets) that are sufficient for the vast majority of applications (e. g., for the separation of nails, washers, bolts etc.). If there are to be separated fine particles (such as metal filings, work hardened stainless steel, shavings, metal wear residue etc.), the plate can be equipped with the strongest neodymium magnets (= rare earth magnet material).
Advantages of the plate magnet MS-MC-B
- Economical version - attractive price/performance ratio
- Easy installation even by yourself
- Excellent for abrasive and flow resistant materials
- Material flow is not restricted
- Made-to-measure separators
The convenient price and easy installation make of the plate magnet one of the most versatile magnetic separators.
Separator cleaning
The collected tramp metal is to be released and removed from the plate magnet manually. We recommend that the trapped iron particles are removed regularly, as large amounts of the collected ferrous particles reduce the efficiency of the magnetic separator.
The plate magnet is one of the simplest, but highly efficient magnetic separators. Most often, the magnetic plate is installed in inclined chutes, ducts or pipes to remove ferrous fine particles and larger pieces of tramp iron from various types of bulk materials (in order to protect the processing equipment or to increase the purity of the processed material).